Thursday, February 23, 2012

The 80/20 Rule

Happy Thursday Folks! I hope everyone is having a fantastic day!!

So I'm gonna jump right into today's topic. The "80/20 Rule". If you've never heard of it before, here's a little history behind it. "In 1906, Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto created a mathematical formula to describe the unequal distribution of wealth in his country, observing that twenty percent of the people owned eighty percent of the wealth. The 80/20 Rule means that in anything a few (20 percent) are vital and many(80 percent) are trivial." (Via Now this can be applied to basically anything in life. Pareto applied it to the wealth in his country, many people apply it to stocks and bonds, etc. Today, I'm gonna apply it to relationships. 

Now that we know what it is, let's set up the discussion. If you are in a relationship with someone who gives you 80% of what you want, and what you need, where does that other 20% go? Does it get lost or forgotten? Or is it still in the back of your mind? Are you willing to sacrifice that 20 for the 80 that you're receiving?? What if we take it a step further. What if I asked what your 80% was composed of? What does this other person have to provide you with in order for that 20% to become insignificant?? 
Relationships, any type of relationship, all parties involved should be able to compromise and 'give up' certain things, or try to work on certain traits, in order for the relationship to flourish and grow. They cannot and will not work if one person is not willing to compromise on something, for the greater good of the relationship. 

I will leave you with one more question. Is there anything that you just would not be able to sacrifice when it comes to the 80/20 rule? Have you ever felt like you were in a situation where your significant other was only giving you 20% of what you needed and wanted, but the other 80% was nowhere to be found? Imma just let all this marinate. 

Contribute all thoughts and answers at will. 

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

What You Lookin Fo'??

Not gonna start this off being all mushy, and give a great detailed story or anything like that. Just gonna hop right into the question. When it comes to dating, or 'choosing' a significant other, what are some qualities that must be present?? What must they possess in order for you to date them long term? Is there anything you're willing to 'look over' if they don't have them? And this is in reference to anything..Physical appearance, mentally, financially, etc..

AND Go!!!